In 2016, the Forum EnerGaïa, organized by Montpellier Events, with the support of the Occitanie / Pyrénées-Méditerranée Region, is held at the "Parc des Expositions" in Montpellier on December 14th and 15th 2016.
At the same time the Forum integrating a cycle of conferences and round tables addressing the new challenges of the market, and business convention with the organization of more than 150 targeted B to B meetings, EnerGaïa consolidates its positioning of major appointments of professionals in the field of renewable energies in the South of France. In 2015, more than 3000 trade visitors, experts, elected officials, decision-makers and nearly 60 exhibiting companies came together to discuss the challenges and prospects of the sector at regional and national level. Latest innovations, current or future projects, news of the sector, new regulations, funding, feedback ... Many very concrete topics are addressed on the Forum.
Concentrated and qualitative, the EnerGaïa Forum provides professionals with relevant cognitive tools and promotes "business" relationships.
The EnerGaia Forum 2016 is an opportunity for Sereema to introduce Windfit, its solution of wind turbines monitoring to the local major actors in the renewable energies and especially in the wind sector. For Sereema, the objective of this event is to meet professionals likely to be interested in our solution.
Join us at Energaia Forum and discover our solution of wind turbines monitoring
Save the Date: December 14 & 15, 2016 from 9:00 to 18:00
The event will take place at: Parc des Expositions, Montpellier
More information about the event: Forum EnerGaia 2016