Glad to be working with key actors through a use case of our solution deployed by #ERGFrance in WindEurope's strategy report for #windenergy energy digitalisation towards 2030.
The optimal performance of a single wind turbine is one of the biggest challenges for the wind researchers and industry communities. Advanced sensors for analysing vibrations can also pinpoint abnormal operation periods and can help extend the lifetime of blades and subassembly structures.
Our case study presents digital applications in wind turbine performance optimisation through Windfit: a digital platform used to optimise the performance of 67 wind turbines in Europe.
A dedicated monitoring strategy has been implemented for a part of the ERG fleet using Windfit Cloud computing and IoT technology. Wind turbines are equipped with their own “connected watch”, a sensing device composed of embedded sensors such as accelerometers, ultrasonic anemometers and magnetic compasses. High-frequency data is continuously gathered independently of SCADA and brought through the cellular network to cloud servers. This data is then processed through dedicated proprietary algorithms to obtain multiple diagnostics on the performance and reliability of subsystems like rotor imbalance, tower vibrations or yaw misalignment. The current project covers a total of 67 wind turbines with the aim of identifying potential issues, taking the right corrective measures and confirming expected improvements in terms of performance, maintenance and the lifetime scope of the turbines.