It's a good day for the Windfit community!!
Windfit® 02 is now available to equip wind turbines and offer even more solutions to correct underperforming wind turbines and preserve the lifetime of the assets.
Global expedition has started and the sensor boxes are now sent all over the place to better detect, alert and correct issues on wind turbines.
The newest additions to the all-inclusive solution to optimize performance of wind turbines promises to go one step deeper in the plug and play, user-friendly display of diagnosis:
- autonomous assistant: fully automated analysis, email alerts & reports, action & priorities plan, post-intervention validation
- gains on all fronts: increased AEP, improved turbines lifetime, shared technical knowledge, smooth O&M relationship
- a trusted platform: fully independent data acquisition, methodology validated by experts, 100% results confirmed on site
Get a quote now to have your own Windfit 02 detecting, alerting and correcting your turbines